Center for 21st Century Music: Slee Sinfonietta

Presented by the Department of Music

May 2, 2023
7:30 p.m.

Lippes Concert Hall
Slee Hall

Tickets: $10

Free to UB Students

exterior of slee hall at dusk.

This evening’s Chamber Musicians of the Slee Sinfonietta program is dedicated to the memory of Robert Phillips, composer, musician, and musical administrator whose tragic loss earlier this year has brought family and friends together to celebrate his music, his life and accomplishments, and his generous and unassuming spirit.

Please join us immediately after the concert in the Lippes Concert Hall lobby for a reception, prepared by UB’s band fraternity Kappa Kappa Psi, and offered in celebration of our dear friend and colleague, Rob Phillips.


Eric Moe: What Instruments We Have Agree (2015)

Shannon Reilly, violin

Leanne Darling, viola

Michael Tumiel, bass clarinet

Nicholas Emmanuel, piano


Robert Phillips: Rutaceae for bass clarinet and fixed media (2015)

Michael Tumiel, bass clarinet     


Paula Matthusen: between the smell of dust and moonlight (2016)

    IV. Cello+Percussion

Jonathan Golove, cello

James Falzone and Brian Caswell, percussion


Brief intermission


Robert Phillips: Larghetto Rubato (2010)

Jessica Wooldridge King, bassoon

Sungmin Shin, guitar

Jonathan Golove, cello


Piano Quartet “Just Listen” (2018)

  1: Headlong/Headfirst

  2: 43" 

  3. Just Listen

  4. 33” 

  5. Future Echoes 

  (played without pause)

Shannon Reilly, violin

Leanne Darling, viola

Katie Weissman, cello

Nicholas Emmanuel, piano